The Bible Tab

Updated 5 months ago by Geoff Hensley

The Bible tab is where you read or listen to the Bible inside the Bible App. On it's labeled Read. From here, you can look up any book, chapter, or verse of the Bible, and choose from thousands of different Bible versions, in over 2,000 languages.

Switch to a Different Bible Version


  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Bottom: Select the Bible Version abbreviation


  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top Left: Select the Bible Version abbreviation, next to the current Bible chapter reference.
    If you know the name or abbreviation of the Version you want, type the name or abbreviation in the Search field.

Switch to a Different Bible Language


  1. Select the version abbreviated name at the top left and then select Language.
    Suggested shows languages you’ve used recently, and the most popular languages. All shows every language YouVersion has a Bible for, listed alphabetically.
    To go directly to a specific language, select 🔍 (top right), and start typing the language name.
  2. Scroll to the Language you want, and select it.
    The Bible Versions that YouVersion offers in the language you selected are listed first by most recent, then in alphabetical order. A speaker icon indicates that Version offers audio and a number next to it indicates that this version has more than one narrator. Download indicates that Version is available for offline reading only and not audio. A checkmark indicates you have already downloaded that Bible Version.
    How to Download Bible Versions
  3. Select the Bible Version you want.


  1. Select the The version abbreviated name at the top right and then select Language To go directly to a specific language, select 🔍 (top right), and start typing the language name.
  2. Scroll to the Language you want, and select it. You will see first the downloaded Bible version and then the list of the selected language in Alphabetical order, A speaker icon indicates that Version offers audio and a number next to it indicates that this version has more than 1 narrator, the download icon means the version hasn’t been downloaded yet, and the absence of the icon indicates that it is already downloaded and is available for offline reading only and not audio The rounded “i” icon, when selected, it will give more information about the Official Publisher of the version.

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top middle: Select the Bible Version abbreviation, next to the current Bible Chapter reference.
    The abbreviation field is a search field. If you know the name or abbreviation of the Version you want, delete the existing abbreviation, then start typing in that field.
  3. If you want to switch Languages, select Change Language.
    Every language YouVersion has a Bible for is listed alphabetically.
    To go directly to a specific language, start typing the language name in the Filter Languages field.
  4. Scroll to the Language you want, and select it.
    The Bible Versions that YouVersion offers in the language you selected are listed first by most recent, then in alphabetical order. A speaker icon indicates that Version offers audio, the versions that have the audio have only one narrator on the website.
  5. Select the Bible Version you want.

Switch to a Different Book of the Bible

Android, iOS:

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Android:
    Bottom: Select the current Bible Chapter reference.
  3. iOS:
    Top: Select the current Bible Chapter reference.
  4. Scroll to the Book of the Bible you want and select it.
    By default, books are listed in the order they appear in a print Bible.
    iOS:Top right: History shows the most recent passages you have visited.
    Android: Top right: Time icon shows the most recent passages you have visited.
    Bottom: Tabs toggle between Traditional and Alphabetical sorting.
  5. Select the Chapter you want within that book.
  6. iOS/Android:
    After selecting a chapter number, verse numbers are displayed if the Verse Picker is turned on in the Settings section of the app. If the verse picker is not on, selecting a chapter number opens the Bible to verse 1 of the chapter.

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top: Select the current book reference.
  3. Scroll to the Book of the Bible you want and select it. The Book field is also a search field. you can start type the name of the book and it will show up, and then you can select it
    Books are listed in the order they appear in a print Bible.
  4. Select the Chapter you want within that Book.

Listen to an Audio Bible


  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top right (iOS)/Top Center (Android): Select the Speaker Icon.
    Controls display for Play, Fast Forward, Rewind, Scrub, and more.
    If you don’t see a speaker icon, try scrolling up a little. If you still don’t see one, the Bible Version you currently have selected may not offer audio. Try switching to a different Version.
  3. Bottom: Select Play to listen, Pause to stop.
    To see a Play button displayed anytime audio is available, select Show Controls. (To turn off the always-on Play button, select Hide Controls). If the version has more than one narrator you will see a button “Switch Narrator” select it and choose a different narrator
    Top of audio controls box: To minimize the controls, slide down the Arrow.
    Top right: To show the controls again, select the Speaker Icon again.

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top right: Select the Bible Version.
    If you don’t see a speaker icon, the Bible Version you currently have selected may not offer audio. Try switching to a different Version.

    Select Play to listen, Pause to stop.
  3. Note: Audio is only available in the Bible reader, and when a Bible Plan consists of a full chapter, not a few verses.
  4. Audio will scroll automatically to the next chapter in the Bible Reader, not in Bible Plans.

Download Bible Versions to Read Offline

Read the Bible wherever you are, even when you can’t get online.

YouVersion is privileged to offer thousands of Bible Versions, for free, in over 1,500 languages. Every Bible we offer is always available through an internet connection. Thanks to generous agreements from select Bible publishers, many Versions are also available for you to download to your mobile device to use offline.

Not all Bible Versions are available for download.
Downloaded Bibles include text only, not audio.
Before you attempt to download a Bible, be aware of data charges from your provider, if applicable.

Android, iOS:

  1. Ensure your mobile device has a strong Internet connection.
    Wi-Fi recommended.
  2. Verify you are Signed In to the app.
  3. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  4. Top: Select the Bible Version abbreviation, next to the current Bible Chapter reference.
    The Bible Versions that YouVersion offers in the language you currently have selected are listed first by most recent, then in alphabetical order. Download indicates that Version is available for use offline. A checkmark indicates you have already downloaded that Bible Version.
  5. Android:
    Scroll to the Bible you want, then select the Download icon next to the Bible Version's abbreviation.
  6. iOS:
    Scroll to the Bible you want, then select Download next to it.
  7. Follow the prompts required by the Bible’s publisher, if applicable.
  8. After you have downloaded all the Bibles you want, select (Android) or Done (iOS).


How to Delete Downloaded Bible Versions

Offline Bibles not available at

Delete Downloaded Bible Version(s)

Although downloaded Bible Versions are very small text files, you may occasionally want to remove one, either to free up storage space, or to troubleshoot.


  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top right: Select the Bible Version abbreviation
    The Bible Versions that YouVersion offers in the language you selected are listed first by most recently downloaded, then in alphabetical order. Checkmarks indicate Bible Version(s) you have downloaded.
  3. Long-press on a Version, then Yes to remove the version.


  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top: Select the Bible Version abbreviation, next to the current Bible Chapter reference.
    The Bible Versions that YouVersion offers in the language you selected are listed first by most recently used, then in alphabetical order. Checkmarks indicate Bible Version(s) you have downloaded.
  3. Swipe left on the Bible you want to remove, then select remove.


Offline Bibles are not available at

Search in the Bible Tab

The search feature within the Bible tab easily gives you full-text search to find and discover a range of Bible texts and related videos. You can also filter your searches based on language/version, testament and book.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom left: Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top right: Select 🔍.
  3. Begin typing what you’re looking for.
    Did you know that you can search based on keywords like emotions? Try searching for faith, love or hope.
  4. Finish typing exactly what you want, then select 🔍 (Android) or Search/Go (iOS). You can select the resulting content to read the full text or chapter.
Search within the Bible tab allows you to also find related videos depending on the book you have selected. Try navigating to a book such as John or Acts and click on the 🔍, you can navigate the related videos under your recent searches.

***Note: The filter will appear once you’ve searched something, not before.
  • Use the search feature to find a Bible text reference, key word/phrase, or a topic.
    • Ex: search “1 Peter 4:1” or “faith” or “iron sharpens iron” or “faith”.
  • Adjust the filter at the top right for more specific results by selecting the three buttons under Bible.
  • Language/Version
    • Note: Not all languages are supported by the Search feature.
    • OT/NT (Old Testament, New Testament, or both)
    • All Books (Search a specific book of the Bible, or search all)

“Tip: If results are not as expected, try searching a different version of the Bible.” Words will be accurate in searches with different versions.

Search in Bible tab vs. Discover tab:



Search verses based on keywords

Search verses based on keywords and topics

Search Bible reference

Search Videos

When used in a certain book and chapter, it will display the videos related to them

Search Spiritual support articles based on Keywords

Search Images (search keyword, then scroll to the last item in the menu to see images)

Search Plans

Search Churches

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I get an accurate list of verses when searching?
    1. Search based on a key word or phrase. Ex: “iron sharpens iron” or “faith”.
  2. Can I search all Bible versions?
    1. Currently, Search is only able to return results from one version at a time by selecting the language/version filter option above results.
  3. Are the search results in a specific order?
    1. Search results are ordered by relevance. Use the filter to see each book’s results.
  4. What are trending searches? Can I delete them?
    1. Trending searches are used to help our community easily find popular topics. Currently, trending searches are not able to be deleted but will update daily as new topics trend in the YouVersion community.
  5. Can I search in any language?
    1. Specify your language to return the correct results. Using the “Bible tab search” will depend on the Bible translation language setting.

Compare Bible Versions or View Versions in Parallel

Looking at a Bible passage in multiple Bible Versions can help you understand it better, give you a different perspective, and even help you see things you didn’t notice before. Compare Bible Versions displays these comparisons as a list. Parallel Mode lets you see lengthier passages, two versions at a time, and compare them side by side.

Compare Bible Versions

Android, iOS:

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Select each Verse you want to compare.
    Dotted underlines indicate which Verse(s) you have selected, and an options menu displays.
  3. Select Compare.
    The Verse(s) you selected display in the Bible Versions you have chosen.
    From this list, you can:
    Rearrange the list order:
    1. Top right: Select the Stack icon (Android) or Edit (iOS).
    2. Long-press on a Version and drag it where you want to see it in the list.

    Remove Versions:
    1. Left: Select the Red Minus next to a Version.
    2. You can also remove a version by swiping it all the way from right to left (Android) and swiping it from right to left and tap delete (iOS)

    Add Versions:
    1. Bottom: Select the Plus (+) button.
  4. Top right: When you finish organizing your list, select (Android) or Done (iOS).
  5. Top left: To return to the Bible reader, select (Android) or Close (iOS).

View Versions in Parallel Mode


  1. Set your device to Landscape Mode.
  2. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  3. Top right: Select the Parallel Mode icon In landscape, the icon at top right toggles between Parallel mode and single version view in the Bible reader. You can also return to single version view by rotating your device back into the portrait position.
  4. Top: Select the two Bible Versions you want to compare, one on either side , select at the bottom the book and chapter you want to display on each side. How to Select Bible Versions.

iPhone, iPad:

  1. Set your device to Landscape Mode.
  2. Select the Bibleibl tab, if it isn’t already.
  3. Top right: Select the Parallel Mode icon.
    In landscape, the icon at top right toggles between Parallel mode and single version view in the Bible reader.
    You can also return to single version view by rotating your device back into the portrait position.
  4. Top: Select the two Bible Versions you want to compare, one on either side of the current Bible Chapter reference.
    How to Select Bible Versions

  1. Select the Read tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Top right: Select Parallel.
  3. Top: Select the two Bible Versions you want to compare.
    How to Select Bible Versions
  4. Top right: To return to single version view, at any time simply select Exit Parallel Mode.


Parallel Mode is available in landscape mode on Android tablets.

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