Bible Tab

Updated 5 days ago by Jillian Galley

Offline Bibles are not available at

Switch to a Different Bible Language

  1. Tap on the Bible tab
  2. Top middle: Select the Bible Version abbreviation, next to the current Bible Chapter reference
    The abbreviation field is a search field. If you know the name or abbreviation of the Bible Version you want, delete the existing abbreviation and type in the name you want.
  3. Select Change Language. Languages are listed alphabetically. To go directly to a specific language, start typing the language name in the Filter Languages field.
  4. Scroll to the Language you want, and select it
    The Bible Versions that YouVersion offers are listed first by most recent, then in alphabetical order. A speaker icon indicates that Version offers audio, the versions that have the audio have only one narrator on the website.

Switch to a Different Book of the Bible

  1. Tap on the Bible tab
  2. Select and scroll to the book you want and select it. This field is also a search field where yu can type the name of the book you are looking for.
  3. Books are listed in the order they appear in a print Bible
  4. Select the chapter you want within that book

Compare Versions in Parallel Mode

  1. Tap on the Bible tab
  2. Top right: Tap on Parallel
  3. Top (under the search bar): Select the two Bible Versions you want to compare
  4. Top right: To return to single version view, at any time simply select Exit Parallel Mode.

Bible Reader Tools (Highlight, Copy, Share)

Notes, Labels, Bookmarks, Verse Images, and Footnotes are not available on
Highlight a Bible Passage
  1. Tap on the Bible tab in the top left corner
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to highlight
  3. Select each verse you want to highlight by clicking on it
  4. Select the color you want for your highlight

Change a Highlight to a Different Color
Custom highlight colors are not available on
  1. Tap on the Bible tab in the top left corner
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to highlight
  3. Select the verse you want to highlight by clicking on it
  4. Hover the mouse over the color selection. Swipe left and right to see the different options.

Remove a highlight
Removing a Highlight does not delete the verse(s). It simply removes the highlight color.
  1. Tap on the Bible tab in the top left corner
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to remove from being highlighted
  3. Select the verse by clicking on it
  4. Select the (-) icon to the left of the colors

Share or Copy a Bible Passage
  1. Tap on the Bible tab in the top left corner
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to share
  3. Select the verse by clicking on it
    1. Tap share and choose how you would like to share
    2. Tap copy to copy the verse

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