iOS: Catch Me Up

Updated 1 week ago by Jillian Galley

If you don’t finish a Plan you’re working on by yourself, you can easily change the last day you didn’t finish to be today’s choice.

Catch Me Up isn’t available on a Plan you are doing with Friends.
Use the Catch Me Up app before you start the daily reading.

How To Use The Catch Me Up Feature

  1. Select the Plans tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Select My Plans.
  3. Select the Plan you want. Today is highlighted, with selections marked ○ (incomplete) or ✓ (complete).
    Previous completed days are marked .
  4. Decide which day number (not date) you wish to be the “current” day. Ex: “Day X”.
  5. Mark all the items for the day before “Day X" as read, if you have read them (you can mark the readings for previous dates if you want, but it isn’t necessary).
  6. Ensure no item/date on or after "Day X" is marked as read.
  7. Top right: select , Catch Me Up. Your current day should now be Day X on today’s date.
Using Catch Me Up won’t mark missed days as completed. It only moves “today” to the last incomplete Plan day. Missed days will have to be completed manually.

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