Bible Reader Tools (Notes, Bookmarks, Highlights, Sharing, etc...)


When reading or listening to a passage gives you ideas or feelings, Notes are a great way to journal, connected directly to a specific Bible text. You can keep your thoughts private, just for your own use (this is the default), share them so Friends can see them, or add them as a public note so anyone can see them.

Add a Note

This feature is not available on

Android, iOS:

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) where you want to add a Note.
  3. Select each Bible verse you want associated with your Note. Dotted underlines appear underneath each verse you select. A list of options displays, with Highlight colors beneath that.
  4. Select Note from the options.
    Notes are Private by default. You can also make your Note visible to Friends, or visible to anyone (Public).
    Android, iOS:
    You can connect additional verses to your Note, tap "Add Verse."
    You can add a Highlight color to mark any verses associated with your Note. Swipe left for more colors. To choose a custom color, swipe to ⋯ and select it.
  5. Bottom: Select the text field, and type the contents of your Note.
  6. Top right: Select Save to keep your Note.
    Top: Select ← (Android) or Cancel (iOS) or X ( to return to the Bible reader without saving.
    ANDROID ONLY - In the Bible Reader, you'll see Notes indicated as a circle with a dot in it just behind the Verse number; this option is not available for iOS or Website

View Your Notes

In the Bible Reader and only on Android devices, Notes display as a round circle with a dot just behind the Verse number. Anytime you see one of these Circles, you can tap the Circle to open that Note. The procedures below let you view all your Notes in one convenient list.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), Notes. All your Notes are listed, from newest to oldest.

Edit a Note

Notes are not editable on but can only be deleted.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), Notes.
  2. Locate the Note you want to change.
  3. At the bottom right corner of the Note card, select  (Android) or  (iOS), then Edit.
  4. Make any changes you want:
    1. Top: Select whether you want your Note to be Private, visible to Friends, or visible to anyone (Public).
      You can connect additional verses with your Note, and even select a Highlight color to mark any verses associated with it.
    2. Bottom: Select the text field to change the contents of your Note.
  5. Top right: Select Save to keep your Note.
    Top left: Select Cancel to return to the Bible reader without saving.

Delete a Note

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), Notes.
  2. Locate the Note you want to remove.
  3. At the bottom right corner of the Note card, select  (Android) or  (iOS), then Delete.


When a Bible passage speaks to you, Highlighting is a great way to remind yourself of its significance. Highlighting marks Bible verses with color, making them stand out from the surrounding text, which helps you easily spot them again later. Highlights are only visible in the Bible versions to which they were added, not in all versions.

This feature is not available on

Highlight a Bible Passage

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already selected.
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to Highlight.
  3. Select each verse you want to Highlight, by tapping on it (Android, iOS). Dotted underlines appear underneath each verse you select. A list of options displays, with Highlight colors beneath that.
  4. Select the color you want for your Highlight.
    Swipe left for more colors on Android & iOS. On web, click the back or forward arrow. To choose a custom color, (Android & iOS) swipe to ⋯ and select it. On web, click the right arrow to reach the … menu.

View Your Highlights

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), Highlights. All your Highlights are listed, from newest to oldest.

Change a Highlight to a Different Color

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), then Highlights.
  2. Locate the Highlight whose color you want to change.
  3. At the bottom right of the Highlight you want to change, select  (Android) or  (iOS), then Edit.
  4. Bottom: Select the new color you want for your Highlight.
    Swipe left for more colors. To choose a custom color, swipe to ⋯ and select it.

Remove a Highlight

Removing a Highlight does not delete the verse(s). It simply removes the Highlight color.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), then Highlights.
  2. Locate the Highlight you want to remove.
  3. At the bottom right of the Highlight you want to remove, select  (Android) or  (iOS), then Delete.
You can also remove a Highlight directly from the Bible text where you see it. Simply select the Highlighted verse(s), then select the current Highlight color that has an X in the middle.


When you discover a Bible passage you know you’ll want to return to again and again, mark it with a Bookmark. And, because Bookmarks let you add labels, they’re a great way to organize passages into categories for specific purposes, such as verses you want to memorize, verses you want to have handy for a Bible study meeting, saving passages used in a sermon that you’re listening to, etc.

When you Bookmark a passage, it is only Bookmarked in the Bible version you currently have selected.

Bookmark a Bible Passage

This feature is not available on
  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already selected.
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to Bookmark.
  3. Select each Verse you want to Bookmark, by tapping on it (Android, iOS). Dotted underlines appear underneath each verse you select. A list of options displays, with Highlight colors beneath that.
  4. Swipe left (Android & iOS) and select Bookmark from the options menu.
    1. Select a Highlight color for the verse(s) you’re Bookmarking.
    2. Select Labels (Android, iOS).
      You can assign multiple Labels to a Bookmark.
      Android, iOS:
      1. Start typing. If you have existing Labels, they will display, and you can select one.
        Type a new Label for your Bookmark, then select +.
        Top right: Select History to see a list of your recently used Labels.
        Select the red − to remove a Label.
      2. When you have finished adding Labels, select ← (Android) or Back (iOS).
  5. Top right: Select Save to keep your Bookmark.
    Top: Select Cancel (Android, iOS) to return to the Bible reader without saving.

View Your Bookmarks

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More or tap your Profile Picture), Bookmarks. All your Notes are listed, from newest to oldest.

Edit a Bookmark

Bookmarks are not editable on, it can only be deleted 

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), then Bookmarks.
  2. Locate the Bookmark you want to change.
  3. At the bottom right of the Bookmark you want to change, select  (Android) or  (iOS), then Edit.
    1. Select a Highlight color for the verse(s) you’re Bookmarking, or to change the Highlight to a different color. To remove a Highlight color from your Bookmark, select the current color that has an X in the middle.
      Swipe left for more colors. To choose a custom color, swipe to the ⋯ and select it.
    2. Select the Title field to change the Title for your Bookmark.
    3. Select Labels to add or change the Label for your Bookmark:
      You can assign multiple Labels to a Bookmark.
      1. Select one of your existing Labels for this Bookmark.
        Type a new Label for your Bookmark, then select +.
        Top right: Select History to see a list of your recently used Labels.
        If you misspell a label or want to change a label name, just filter your bookmark list by that label, delete the label, add the new label. The old label will disappear from the list.
        Select the red − to remove a Label.
    4. When you have finished adding and removing labels, select ← (Android) or Back (iOS).
  4. Top right: Select Save to keep your changes.
    Top left: Select ← (Android) or Cancel (iOS) to return to the Bible reader without saving.

Delete a Bookmark

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), Bookmark.
  2. Locate the Bookmark you want to remove.
  3. At the bottom right of the Bookmark card, select  (Android) or (iOS), then Delete.

Using Labels With Bookmarks

Labels are a very helpful way to organize, filter, or group bookmarks.

For example, you can create a label called "Romans" and add all the bookmarks related to the book of Romans. Another example is to create a label called "love" and add all the verses that mention love.

You can also create a label with a month's name and add all the bookmarks added during that month.

How To Delete Or Edit A Label From Your Label List

Android and iOS only:

  • You cannot edit your label list but you can edit bookmarks.
  • If you misspell a label or want to change a label name, just filter your bookmark list by that label, delete the label, add the new label. The old label will disappear from the list.

Share a Bible Passage

When a Bible passage speaks to you, consider sharing it on social media or sending it to a friend.

Android, iOS:

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to share.
  3. Select each Bible verse you want to share. Dotted underlines appear underneath each verse you select. A list of options displays.
  4. Select Share from the options.
    1. Android and iOS:
      Follow the prompts on your device to select how you want to share (SMS, social media, email, etc.).

Verse Images

When God’s Word touches your heart, capture the moment with a Verse Image. A Verse Image is simply Bible text placed on top of a picture. Verse Images are easy to make, and fun to share. does not offer tools for creating images. To create a Verse Image using your computer, you can copy and paste Bible text into an image editing app.

Create a Verse Image

Android and iOS only:

  1. Select the Bible tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to turn into an image.
    Keep in mind: the more verse(s) you select, the smaller the text will be in your final image.
  3. Select each Bible verse you want in your image. Dotted underlines appear underneath each verse you select. A list of options displays.
  4. Select Image from the options.
  5. For the background of your image, select one of the stock images.
  6. Bottom: Adjust the settings to make your Verse Image look the way you want:
    1. Select a Font.
    2. Adjust the Font Size and Spacing.
    3. Select the Shape for your Verse Image.
    4. Adjust the Opacity of the Bible text.
    5. Adjust the Blur and Brightness of the background.
    Tap once inside the text to edit it. Tap anywhere on the background to stop text edit mode.
    Long-press anywhere on the text to adjust the alignment or width of the text box.
  7. Top right: Select Save to keep your Verse Image.
    To share your Verse Image on social media or send it to a friend, select Share and follow the prompts.
    Top: Select ← (Android) or Cancel (iOS) or to return to the Bible reader without saving.

View Your Verse Images

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More or tap your Profile Picture), Images. All your Verse Images are listed, from newest to oldest.

Share a Verse Image does not offer a way to share Verse Images.

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), Images.
  2. Locate the Verse Image you want to share.
  3. At the bottom right of the Verse Image card, select  (Android) or (iOS), then Share.
  4. Follow the prompts on your device to select how you want to share (SMS, social media, email, etc.).

Delete a Verse Image

Verse Images cannot be deleted at

Android, iOS:

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More or tap your Profile Picture), Images.
  2. Locate the Verse Image you want to remove.
  3. At the bottom right of the Verse Image card, select  (Android) or (iOS), then Delete.


Footnotes are in-text references that help bring further context and insight to what is being said in the verse of chapter that you are reading.

How to Access a Footnote


Select the icon to the right of the verses in your Bible Reader. Swipe the pop-up page down to close.


Select the "chat bubble" icon within the verse. Click "close" to close out the footnote.

Compare Bible Versions

The Compare tool can be used when you want to see how other Bible versions translate or articulate a verse or set of verses.

Andriod, iOS:

  1. Select the verse, or verses that you want to compare with other Bible versions (this will underline each verse you select).
  2. Select the Compare button in the pop-up window that appears from the bottom of the screen.
  3. Notice the list that populates of other Bible versions.

Editing Which Bible Versions You See


  1. When you are in the Compare tool select the icon of three lines at the top right.
  2. Rearrange which versions you see first by clicking and dragging the versions you want to the priority of your choice.
  3. Remove versions you may not want to see by selecting the red icon on the left of the bar.
  4. Add other versions by selecting the "+ Add Version" button at the bottom of your screen.


  1. When you are in the Compare tool select the "Edit" button at the top right.
  2. Rearrange which versions you see first by clicking on the three lines and dragging the versions you want to the priority of your choice.
  3. Remove versions you may not want to see by selecting the red icon on the left of the bar.
  4. Add other versions by selecting the "+ Add Version" button at the bottom of your screen.
You can compare as many verses within the chapter of the Bible you are reading at one time.


You can choose a verse to use as a prayer when you select the verse and click on the "Share" button in the pop-up window at the bottom of your screen. To edit the prayer or add more to your prayer select the verse text and type as needed.



  1. Select the verse(s) you would like to copy and scroll (horizontally) through the button options underneath the highlight colors.
  2. Select "Copy"
  3. Select the share icon to choose where you would like to send the copied verse(s).
    1. Select the nearby share option to share with other Android devices.


Select the verse(s) you would like to copy. iOS devices will copy the text automatically allowing you to paste anywhere your device allows.

The Related feature allows you to see what notes you or others in the YouVersion community have created for the verse(s) you have selected.

Android, iOS:

  1. Select a verse(s) within the Bible Reader
  2. Scroll horizontally through the options within the pop-up window underneath the highlight colors.
  3. Select the "Related" button.
  4. View the related notes
    1. That you have created previously (Android - top left; iOS - bottom left)
    2. That others in the YouVersion Community have created (Android - top right; iOS - bottom right)
iOS will show "Community" and Android will show "Related Notes" for the notes created by others.

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