Updated 1 month ago by Jillian Galley

What features are not available for offline use?
  1. Search and Audio in the Bible will not be available offline. To use both of those features, the device must connected to wifi or mobile connectivity.
  2. There is one default version downloaded.

What Bible versions are available?
  1. Tap the Bible icon on the bottom menu.
  2. Select the abbreviation in the top right corner (example: NIV).
  3. Change your language to see the list of versions available.
  4. Don't see the version you're looking for listed? Request a version by filling out this form.

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How can I switch my language?
  1. Tap the Bible icon on the bottom menu.
  2. Select the version abbreviation in the top right corner (for example: NIV).
  3. Select your language.
  4. To change your app language, you will need to change the language in your device settings.

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