iOS: Change Your Account Email

Updated 1 week ago by Jillian Galley

The procedure below will help you change the email address you have associated with your free YouVersion account, if you are signed in using an email address.

If you sign in to YouVersion using Facebook or Apple, those accounts have their own procedures for changing the email address you have associated with them. If you need to reset your password for one of those accounts, you will need follow the procedures recommended by that service: Facebook: How to change the email associated with your Facebook account. Apple: How to change your Apple ID to a different email address.

If you are not already signed in to your free YouVersion account, Sign In now.

Follow the steps below to change your email:

  1. Select the Home tab on the bottom menu.
  2. Select your Profile Picture (top right).
  3. Top right: Select , Edit Profile.
  4. Change the address in the Email field to the one you want to use now.
  5. YouVersion sends a confirmation email to the address you just provided.
  6. Check your email, and select the link in the confirmation message.

It may take several minutes for your confirmation email to arrive. If you don’t receive it, try these troubleshooting steps: I don’t see the YouVersion email I expected.

After you confirm your email, you will need to Sign Out and then Sign In again before your Profile page will show the changed address.

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