iOS: Settings

Updated 4 hours ago by Jillian Galley

Personalize your experience of the Bible App.


Edit Profile

This setting allows you to change your first and last name, profile photo, location, email address, password, and more.

Notification Settings

To see more details about notifications, visit this page.



This allows you to change your language for App Interface, Bible Text, or Plans. See more details here.

Downloading Images

To reduce your data usage and costs, select Downloading Images to choose how the App will download your images.

Low Light

Selecting Low Light will allow you to choose whether you would like the app to appear in dark mode, light mode, automatic, or match to your device setting.

Bible Reader

To see more details about Bible Reader settings, visit this page.


Choose whether you would like to be notified when you complete a Plan by selecting the toggle.

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