BAL: Audio Bible

Updated 11 hours ago by Jillian Galley

Listen to an Audio Bible

Audio will not be available offline. To listen to an audio Bible, connect your device to data or wifi.
  1. Select the Bible tab in the bottom menu.
  2. Tap the audio icon in the top right corner. Controls will display for rewind, play, fast forward, speed, and timer.
  3. Tap play to listen or pause to stop.
  4. To adjust the audio speed, select 1x and choose how quickly the text will read.
If you don’t see the audio icon, the Bible Version you currently have selected may not offer audio. Try switching to a different Version. Request an audio version of the Bible by filling out this form.

Choose the Narrator

Depending on which Bible version you are using, there are different narrators to choose from.

  1. Select the Bible tab in the bottom menu.
  2. Select the audio icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select Switch Narrator.
  4. Choose which voice you would like to listen to.

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