Bible App Lite: Download Audio Bible

Updated 3 weeks ago by Zizoh Anto

Get offline access to audio Bible chapters on Bible App Lite, allowing you to engage with Scripture audibly anytime, anywhere.

Download Audio Bible Book

  1. Select the book of the Bible you want to download. Note: You’re currently not able to download chapters.
    See how to open books of the Bible here.
  2. Tap the headphones icon at the top.
    If the audio hasn’t been downloaded yet, a download icon will be displayed in the download button at the bottom of the audio controller.
  3. Select the download button at the bottom of the audio controller.
    A progress bar will appear as the book downloads. Once the download is complete, a check mark will be displayed to show that the audio book is available.
Audio for books with more than one narrator will have to be downloaded separately. See how to switch narrator here.

Manage and Delete Downloaded Audio Books

  1. Select the Profile tab.
  2. Select Downloads at the top.
    Downloaded books will be listed in alphabetical order.
    Select any book to go to its first chapter.
  3. Select the trashcan icon on any book, select Delete to confirm delete.
    The file is removed from both the App’s list and the device’s storage, freeing up the space it was using.

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