iOS: Discover Videos

Updated 2 months ago by Zizoh Anto

Teaching Clips

Access the Verse of the Day videos based on the previous 10 days from the current date.

  1. Select the Discover tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Teaching Clips section.
  3. Swipe left to see more teaching clips. You can also select see all > for a list of the 10 Teaching Clips.
  4. Select any Video to watch.
    See how to watch older Verse of the Day videos here.
  1. Select the Discover tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Featured Videos section.
  3. Swipe left to see more Featured Videos. You can also select see all > for a list of all available Featured Videos.
  4. Select any Video to watch.
    To see how to watch more videos, select the Discover tab, and select Videos at the top, below the search bar.

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