iOS: Guided Scripture

Updated 2 months ago by Jillian Galley

The Guided Scripture feature is an opportunity to turn your heart and mind toward God every day. Guided Scripture can include an exclusive short Video devotional based on the Verse of the Day, a reflection question, a Guided Prayer, and more.

To open a Guided Scripture, select the Video graphic below the Verse of the Day.

There are five parts to each Guided Scripture

  1. Video ➡️ A short recording of the meaning and impact of today’s Verse of the Day.
    1. Can be shared by tapping the share icon at the top right.
Want to know more about the Verse of the Day speaker? Select the profile icon in the bottom left corner to see their Partner Page.
Learn how to view the videos for the last 10 days here.
  1. Devotional ➡️ A short devotional content based on the Verse of the Day. It could be from a related plan or an in-house devotional, however they aren’t included every day.
    1. If it is from an in-house devotional, then it can be shared by tapping the share icon at the top right. If it was taken from a Plan, you can save it for later. It’ll be saved in the Plans > Saved Plans list and the Plan can be shared. To share it, choose the Plan and go to the day the devotional was taken. Open the devotional and share with the icon provided.
  2. Prayer ➡️ A prayer honoring God. Select ⊕ Add to Prayer List option to create a new Prayer Card in the Prayer feature.
    1. Can be shared by tapping the share icon at the top right.
  3. Scripture ➡️ Verse of the Day.
    1. Can be shared by tapping the share icon at the top right.
  4. Continue to Guided Prayer ➡️ select the Guided Prayer prompt to continue to part three of Daily Refresh.

Share Guided Scripture

You can share any section of the Guided Scripture by tapping the share icon at the top right. Share the complete Guided Scripture by tapping the share icon in the last section.

How To Navigate Through The Video Feature

  1. Tap the sides of your phone screen to navigate forward/backward through the screens.
  2. Video control:
    1. Double tapping in the middle pauses/restarts the Video.
    2. Double-tapping the right side advances the Video by 15 seconds.
    3. Double-tapping the left side rewinds the Video by 15 seconds.
    4. Press/hold pauses the Video until you release.

Past Verse of the Day Stories Are Available

  1. Select the Home tab on the bottom menu.
  2. Select in the upper right corner of the Verse of the Day card.
  3. Select See Past Days.
  4. Scroll to find the one you want and tap on the verse.
    Past Guided Scripture can be shared in part or completely. See the Share Guided Scripture section above.

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