Bible Search on iOS
The search feature within the Bible tab easily gives you full-text search to find and discover a range of Bible texts and related videos. You can also filter your searches based on language/version, testament, and book.
- Select the Bible tab if it has not been selected already.
- Top right: Select 🔍.
- Begin typing what you’re looking for.
- Finish typing exactly what you want, then select Search/Go on the keyboard. You can select the resulting content to read the full text or chapter.
Filter Search
- Use the search feature to find a Bible text reference, keyword/phrase, or topic.
- Ex: search “1 Peter 4:1” or “faith” or “iron sharpens iron” or “faith”.
- Top right: To filter the search results, select the filter button or any of the three buttons under Bible:
- Language/Version.
- OT/NT (Old Testament, New Testament, or both).
- All Books (Search a specific book of the Bible, or search all).
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get an accurate list of verses when searching?
Search based on a keyword or phrase. Ex: “iron sharpens iron” or “faith”.
Can I search all Bible versions?
Currently, Search only returns results from one version at a time. Change this by selecting the language/version filter option above the results.
Are the search results in a specific order?
Search results are ordered by relevance. Use the filter to see each book’s results.
What are trending searches? Can I delete them?
Trending searches are used to help our community easily find popular topics. Currently, trending searches are updated daily as new topics trend in the YouVersion community and cannot be deleted.
Can I search in any language?
Specify your language to return the correct results. Using the “Bible tab search” will depend on the Bible translation language setting.