Streak - Android

Updated 2 weeks ago by Zizoh Anto

Streak encourages you to develop a habit of reading the Bible daily. We wholeheartedly believe that a consistent daily rhythm of seeking intimacy with God has the power to transform lives. You can view your current streak in various locations, such as the Home Screen, Profile Screen, a widget, and more.

App Open Streak

The App Open Streak represents the consecutive number of days you have opened the Bible App - no matter what action you have taken. You can find the App Open streak number in the top right corner near your profile picture.

The App Open Streak works offline, so if you open the App while offline, it will be counted once you eventually come online.

Daily Refresh Streak

The Daily Refresh Streak is a way to visualize your consistency in seeking God through the Daily Refresh feature. This streak represents the number of consecutive days you’ve completed your Daily Refresh rhythm. Earn a Daily Refresh Streak by completing all parts of Daily Refresh available to you. If you skip a day, you will not see a streak. You can find the streak located on the Home Screen below the Guided Prayer section.

The Daily Refresh Streak requires an internet connection. Unlike the App Open Streak, if you open the App offline, it will not count towards the Daily Refresh Streak.
You may not see a streak for Daily Refresh until you complete a day. If you skip a day, you will also not see the streak number at all until Daily Refresh is completed again.

Tips for maintaining your Streak

  1. Open the Bible App at least once a day between 12 PM and 12 midnight.
  2. Turn on Streaks reminders.
  3. The first time you open the Bible App any day, check your Streak number, and watch it for 30-90 seconds. If your Streak does not increase by 1, ensure that you are signed in to your free YouVersion account. (Here’s how.)

How to Turn on Streaks Reminders

The Bible App can help you maintain your daily connection with Scripture and keep your Streak by sending daily reminders. When you enable Streaks reminders, the App will send you a push notification if you haven't opened it by 7:00 PM in your time zone.

  1. Make sure you are signed in to your free YouVersion account. (Here’s how)
  2. Select ≡ (More),
    Notification Settings,
    Push Notifications.
  3. Select Streaks reminders.


If either streak does not look correct, please fill out this form. Submit the form for the App Open Streak or the Daily Refresh Streak. If you want both streaks to be reset, you will need to submit the form twice. After that, sign out and sign back into your YouVersion account to see your correct streak. Contact us if your streak is still not restored after following these steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my Streak reset?

These are the most common reasons for a Streak to reset:

  1. Missed a Day: You didn't open the Bible App or complete the Daily Refresh (for the Daily Refresh streak) between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM on a given day.
  2. Not Signed In: You opened the Bible App or completed the Daily Refresh but were not signed into your YouVersion account.
  3. Signed In to Different Account: You were signed in but have multiple YouVersion accounts. (Each account maintains its own Streak.)
Why is my Streak not looking right?

In most cases, if your Streak does not display correctly, something is misconfigured, or data is cached that needs to be cleared. See how to clear the cache here.

Why is my Daily Refresh Streak different from my Daily Refresh Badge?

The counting methods differ between the two. The streak represents the number of consecutive days you’ve completed the Daily Refresh without missing a day. The badge, on the other hand, is a cumulative count of all the days you’ve completed the Daily Refresh, regardless of breaks.

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