iOS: Notes

Updated 2 months ago by Zizoh Anto

When reading or listening to a passage gives you ideas or feelings, Notes are a great way to journal, linked directly to a Bible text. You can keep your thoughts private, just for your own use (this is the default), share them so Friends can see them, or add them as a Public Note so anyone can see them.

Add a Note

There are many ways to add Notes:

  1. From the Bible Reader:
    1. Select the Bible tab if it hasn’t been selected already.
    2. Locate the Bible verse(s) where you want to add a Note.
    3. Select a verse. Dotted underlines will appear beneath the selected verse. A list of options will display: tap Note.
    4. Proceed to common steps.
  2. From the Notes screen:
    1. Bottom right: select ≡ (More)Saved.
    2. Top right: select .
    3. Proceed to common steps.
Common Steps:
  1. Select the text field, and type the contents of your Note.
  2. To make your Note visible to only Friends or anyone (Public), tap Public Note and select the desired option. Notes are Public by default.
  3. Add a verse by tapping + Add Verse, if needed.
  4. If needed, you can add a label to organize, filter, or group Notes.
  5. Top right: select Save to keep your Note.
    Top: select Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving.

View Your Notes

In the Bible Reader, any verse that you have added a Note to will display a Saved Verse Indicator (blue background) on the verse number. This indicator appears when you are using the same Bible version in which the Note was created. Clicking on the Saved Verse Indicator will display any Notes you have added in the Saved tab.

To view all your Notes in one convenient list, follow these steps:

  1. Bottom right: select ≡ (More)Saved, Notes. All your Notes are listed, from newest to oldest.
    Tap the button at the top right corner to toggle between compact and detailed lists.

Share a Note

  1. Bottom right: select ≡ (More)SavedNotes.
  2. Locate the Note you want to share.
  3. At the bottom right corner of the Note, select ⋯, then Share.

Edit a Note

  1. Bottom right: select ≡ (More)SavedNotes.
  2. Locate the Note you want to change.
  3. At the bottom right corner of the Note, select ⋯, then Edit.
  4. Make any changes you want:
    1. Top: select whether you want your Note to be Private, visible to Friends, or visible to anyone (Public).
      You can connect additional verses with your Note, and even select a Highlight color to mark any verses associated with it.
    2. Bottom: select the text field to change the contents of your Note.
  5. Top right: select Save to keep your Note.
    Top left: select Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving.

Delete a Note

Once notes are deleted, they can’t be restored.
  1. Bottom right: select ≡ (More)Saved, Notes.
  2. Locate the Note you want to remove.
  3. At the bottom right corner of the Note, select ⋯, then Delete.

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