Android: Bookmarks

Updated 1 month ago by Zizoh Anto

When you discover a Bible passage you know you’ll want to return to again and again, mark it with a Bookmark. Bookmarks lets you add labels, so they’re a great way to group passages into categories for specific purposes. For example, you can put verses you want to remember, verses you want to have handy for a Bible study meeting, or passages you use in a sermon, etc. Bookmarks can also be used as markers to help you keep track of where you left off in a certain chapter.

When you Bookmark a passage, it is only Bookmarked in the Bible version you currently have selected.

Bookmark a Bible Passage

  1. Select the Bible tab.
  2. Locate and select the Bible verse(s) you want to bookmark.
    Dotted underlines will appear beneath the selected verses. A list of options will display at the bottom.
  3. Select Bookmark from the options menu.
    1. Select a Highlight color for the verse(s) you’re Bookmarking.
    2. Select Labels.
      You can assign multiple Labels to a Bookmark.
      1. Start typing. If you have existing Labels, they’ll display, and you can select one.
        Type a new Label for your Bookmark, then select the send icon on the keyboard.
        History shows you a list of your recently used Labels.
        Select a Label to remove it.
      2. When you have finished adding Labels, select .
  4. Top right: select Save to keep your Bookmark.
    Top: select Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving.

View Your Bookmarks

  1. Tap your Profile Picture (or Initial) from the Home screen or ≡ (More), then select Bookmarks. All your Bookmarks are listed, from newest to oldest.

Edit a Bookmark

  1. Bottom right: select ≡ (More), then Bookmarks.
  2. Locate the Bookmark you want to change.
  3. At the bottom right of the Bookmark you want to change, select , then Edit.
    1. Select a Highlight color for the verse(s) you’re Bookmarking, or change the Highlight to a different color. To remove a Highlight color from your Bookmark, select the current color that has an X in the middle.
      Swipe left for more colors.
    2. Select the Title field to change the Title for your Bookmark.
    3. Select Labels to add or change the Label for your Bookmark:
      You can assign multiple Labels to a Bookmark.
      1. Select one of your existing Labels for this Bookmark.
        Type a new Label for your Bookmark, then select the send icon on the keyboard.
        History shows you a list of your recently used Labels.
        Select a Label to remove.
    4. When you have finished adding and removing labels, select .
  4. Top right: select Save to keep your changes.
    Top left: select  to return to the previous screen without saving.

Delete a Bookmark

  1. Bottom right: select ≡ (More)Bookmark.
  2. Locate the Bookmark you want to remove.
  3. At the bottom right of the Bookmark card, select , then Delete.

Using Labels With Bookmarks

Labels are a very helpful way to organize, filter, or group Bookmarks.

For example, you can create a label called “Romans” and add all the Bookmarks related to the book of Romans. Another example is to create a label called “love” and add all the verses that mention love.

You can also create a label with a month’s name and add all the Bookmarks added during that month.

How To Delete Or Edit A Label From Your Label List

  • You can’t edit your label list but you can edit Bookmarks.
  • If you misspell a label or want to change a label name, just filter your bookmark list by that label; delete the label, add the new label. The old label will disappear from the list.

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