Saved Plans on Android

Updated 1 week ago by Zizoh Anto

Save any Plans you discover but cannot start immediately.

View Saved Plans

  1. Select the Plans tab if it has not been selected already.
  2. Select Saved.
    If you have saved any Plans, they will be shown here.
Guided Scripture devotionals that were saved for later will also appear in this list.

Save a Plan

  1. Select the Plans tab if it has not been selected already.
  2. Find the Plan you want to save for later.
  3. Select the Plan.
  4. Select Save for Later.

Remove a Saved Plan

  1. Select the Plans tab if it has not been selected already.
  2. Select Saved.
  3. Select the Plan you want to remove from the list.
  4. Select ✓ Save for Later.

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