Bible App Lite: Bible Settings

Updated 3 weeks ago by Zizoh Anto

Use these settings to customize the appearance of the Bible Reader on the Bible tab.

Change Bible Version

  1. Select the Profile tab.
  2. Top left: Select Bible Settings.
  3. Select the Bible Version below the Select Bible section.
  4. Top right: Tap Language.
  5. If the language is listed, tap it and select your preferred version. If the language is not listed, select All and find the language from the list, or use the search icon at the top right, and select your preferred version.

Change Font Type

  1. Select the Profile tab.
  2. Top left: Select Bible Settings.
  3. Select the font type below the Select Font Type section.
  4. Select any font from the list or add fonts downloaded on your device.
    Any added fonts can also be removed from the App.

Change Font Size

  1. Select the Profile tab.
  2. Top left: Select Bible Settings.
  3. Select anywhere on the ruler below the Font Size section to change the size.

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