iOS: Giving FAQs

Updated 2 months ago by Jillian Galley

Below are answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about giving. Don’t see the answer to your question? Reach out to
Should I give to YouVersion instead of tithing to my church?

Thank you for your heart to support our mission of encouraging people to seek intimacy with God every day. Tithing is a biblical principle. Malachi 3:10 tells us to “bring the full tithe into the storehouse.” Tithe means 10% of our income, and the “storehouse” is the local church. We believe that our first step as fully devoted followers of Jesus is to contribute a tithe to your local church. This is different from offerings, which are gifts over and above the tithe, given in areas that God is stirring us to support. 

We’d be honored if you would prayerfully consider giving an offering to YouVersion—over and above your tithe to your local church.

Is my donation tax deductible?

YouVersion is a ministry of Life.Church, a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization in the United States. Gifts to YouVersion are tax-deductible only if you live within the United States.

Can I give in a different currency?

Yes, you can! See how to give in a different currency here.

Why is my Payment Method saved? 

YouVersion saves your payment information to make it easier for you to give in the future. Your payment information is securely stored and PCI compliant through our payment processors, Stripe and PayPal.

Related: How do I delete one of my Payment Methods?

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