Android: Plan With Friends - Comments

Updated 1 week ago by Zizoh Anto

You can receive email notifications from participants in Plans. When you receive an email, you can see the individual comments by selecting View Comment. When you write your response, it doesn’t go back to the individual but becomes part of the comments of the day under Talk it over.
  1. Select the Plans tab.
  2. Select My Plans for ongoing Plans or Completed for completed Plans.
  3. Select the Plan you want to add a comment on or read comments on.
  4. Select the day.
  5. Select Talk It Over.
    This will display all existing comments.
  6. Add a Comment.
    1. To join the conversation, select the Write your response field at the bottom.
    2. Type in your comment.
    3. Bottom right: select Send (the paper airplane icon).
      Cancel without posting: top left: select <-.

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