iOS: Delete a Prayer
Delete a Prayer
Deleting a Prayer removes it completely from any of your lists in which it appears:
- Bottom right: Select the More tab if it has not been selected already.
- Select Prayer.
- Select Prayer List.
- Select the Prayer you want to delete.
- For any Prayer:
- Top right: Select ⋯, Delete, or long tap the prayer in the list and tap Delete.
If the Prayer is one that a Friend shared with you:- Top right: Select ⋯, Archive.Top right: Switch view between Cards and List, to List view.
- In List view: Tap Archived.Archived Prayers are only visible in List view.
- Long press on the Prayer you want to delete and select Delete.Deleting a Prayer that a Friend shared with you only removes it from your lists. Your Friend will still have their original Prayer.
- Top right: Select ⋯, Archive.