iOS: Answered Prayers

Updated 1 week ago by Zizoh Anto

When an issue you have been praying for is resolved, Marking it as Answered will:

  • Inform your Friends who have been praying for this Prayer.
  • Move this Prayer from your active Prayer List to your list of Answered Prayers.

Mark a Prayer as Answered

When you mark a Prayer as Answered, once you save it, you can’t “un-mark” it as Answered.
  1. Bottom right: select the More tab if it hasn’t been selected already.
  2. Select Prayer.
  3. Select Prayer List.
  4. Select the Prayer you want to mark as answered in the list or long-press it.
  5. Top right: select , Mark as Answered.
Marking a Prayer as Answered is a good time to Post an Update, to let your Friends know how it was resolved.

Archive Answered Prayers

  1. Bottom right: select the More tab if it hasn’t been selected already.
  2. Select Prayer.
  3. Select Answered.
  4. Select the Prayer you want to archive on the list.
  5. Top right: select Archive.

View Your Answered Prayers

  1. Bottom right: select the More tab if it hasn’t been selected already.
  2. Select Prayer.
  3. Select Answered.

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