Android: Share a Prayer with Friends
Every time you create a new Prayer, it’s saved as private by default. You can share your own Prayers, as well as Prayers from Friends that have Prayer Chain enabled.
- Bottom right: select the More tab if it hasn’t been selected already, or tap the Profile photo on the Home tab, then select Pray and move on to step 4.
- Select Prayer.
- Select Prayer List.
- Select the Prayer you want to share.
- Top right: select ︙, Share with Friends, or tap the Share icon at the bottom.
- Select the Friends you want to share with. A check mark appears next to each Friend you select.
Only the Friends you select can see this Prayer. If you want them to be able to share this Prayer with their Friends, enable Create a Prayer Chain.
After you finish selecting Friends you want to receive this Prayer:
- Bottom: tap Share.
Cancel without sharing: Top left: select ←.
When Friends pray for one of your Prayers:
✓ You’ll receive a notification.
✓ Your Prayer displays a scrolling list of who prayed for it.
✓ You’ll receive a notification.
✓ Your Prayer displays a scrolling list of who prayed for it.
Comment on a Prayer
Comments are only enabled for Prayers that have been shared with Friends. Comments are a great place to offer encouragement, ask questions, celebrate victories together, and more.
When you see a Prayer you want to share a comment on:
- Select anywhere on the Prayer to open it.
- Scroll down to see any existing Updates.
- Scroll down to see any existing Comments.
- Select the Comment field.
- Type in your Comment.
- Share your Comment: Bottom right: select Send (the paper airplane icon).
Cancel without sharing: Top left: select ←.