Android: Community Tab

Updated 5 hours ago by Zizoh Anto

The Community tab on the Home screen displays recent activity from you and your Friends. Activity from your Friends—such as starting a Plan, highlighting a Bible passage, creating a Verse Image, etc.—displays on individual cards in your feed. You can engage with these cards by liking your Friends’ activity, encouraging them with comments, and more.

To like a Friend's activity, select ♥︎ underneath it. Select it again to remove it.
You can view your YouVersion friends' Bible activities by finding them on the App and going to their Profile.
  1. Select the Home tab if it has not been selected already.
  2. Top left: Select Community.
    See more information about adding Friends here.

Activity Actions on the Community Tab

Depending on the activity on the timeline, you can perform various actions by selecting ︙at the bottom right of that activity. Available options may include: Like, Comment, Read, Share, Pray, Copy, Compare Versions, Create Image, Plan, Info, Start Plan, and more.

Delete Activity on the Community Tab

You can delete activities done by you but activities done by others cannot be deleted. Follow these steps to delete any activity:

  1. Select the Home tab if it has not been selected already.
  2. Top left: Select Community.
  3. At the bottom right of the activity you want to delete, select , Delete.
    Deleting an activity may also remove all related content. For example, deleting an image activity will also delete it from Images.

Post a Comment

  1. Find the Bible activity (such as Highlights, Bookmarks, Verse Images, etc) you want to comment on.
  2. Select the Comment icon (a talk bubble).
  3. Select the Comment box and type your comment then tap the Send icon (a paper airplane) on the keyboard to send.

Delete a Comment

You can remove any comments that you posted, and you can remove comments posted by others on your Bible activity (such as Highlights, Bookmarks, Verse Images, etc).

Locate the comment you want to remove.

  1. Long-press on the comment and select Yes to confirm.

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