Friends - Android
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another.
Hebrews 10:24-25.
The Bible reminds us again and again that we need relationships with people we can trust. You need close friends who will encourage, inspire, challenge, love, and pray for you. And they need you to do the same for them.
Add Friends
- Select ≡ (More) or tap your Profile Picture (or Initial) from the Home screen, then Friends.
- Select Accept to add them to your list or Ignore if you don't want to add them.They will not be notified that their request was declined until they search your name again.
- Top: Select Add Friends. The Add Friends screen gives you five ways to add new Friends:
- Search for your friends who have a YouVersion account.
- Select 🔍, type a friend’s YouVersion account-associated email address, and Search for it.
- Select Add next to any friends you want to join in the Bible App.
- Invite friends from your device's Contacts. Ensure their contact includes the email address associated with their YouVersion account, not just a phone number.
- Select Contacts or Connect with Contacts.To get contact suggestions for the first time, the Bible App may request access to them.
- Select Add next to any friends you want to join in the Bible App (only contacts with a YouVersion account will appear).
- Select Contacts or Connect with Contacts.
- Invite friends from your Facebook account. Ensure they have their Facebook account linked to their YouVersion account or have their Facebook email address associated with their YouVersion account.
- Select Facebook or Connect with Friends next to the Facebook logo.If it’s the first time, you will be prompted to sign in on Facebook on the web. You can select a name and view their profile to ensure your request is being sent to the correct person.
- Follow the prompts.
- Select Facebook or Connect with Friends next to the Facebook logo.
- Request friendships from people on your Suggested Friends list.
- Select Add next to any friends you want to join in the Bible App.
- Share your profile link with any friend.
- Select the share icon next to ‘Invite friends to join you on YouVersion’ and share it using any other app (WhatsApp, Email).
- Search for your friends who have a YouVersion account.
Accept or Decline a Friend Request
- Select ≡ (More) or tap your Profile Picture (or Initial) from the Home screen, then Friends.
- Select Accept to add them to your list or Ignore if you don't want to add them.They will not be notified that their request was declined until they search your name again.
When a friend request is received, a red dot will be on the notification bell on the Home screen. Tap the bell and then you will see the request, tap it to open and then accept or ignore.
Remove a Friend
- Select ≡ (More) or tap your Profile Picture (or Initial) from the Home screen, then Friends.
- Select the Friend you want to remove.
- Top right: Select ︙, Unfriend.
- Select Unfriend to remove this Friend.
Tap on the screen outside the drop-down list to cancel.
Adjust Friend Notifications
- Bottom right: Select ≡ (More), or the notification bell icon at the top, then tap the Settings gear icon, then either Email Notifications or Push Notifications.
- Under the Friends section, switch each Friend event to On or Off, as desired.
- Top left: Select ←.