Android: Plan With Friends - Participants

Updated 3 weeks ago by Zizoh Anto

View Participants

  1. Select the Plan.
  2. Top right: select , then Participants, or tap the participants’ photos beneath the dates.
  3. Select any participant to view their profile.

Invite More People to Join a Plan with Friends

  1. Select the Plans tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Select My Plans, if it isn’t already.
  3. Select the Plan you want to invite people to.
  4. Top right: select , then Participants, or tap the participants’ photos beneath the dates.
  5. Bottom: select Invite Others.
Only Plan hosts can invite people, and invitations can only be sent from the Participants page.
If you send someone the link using Share, they can start the Plan on their own. But they can’t join the Plan with Friends version.

Remove a Participant

When you invite friends to a Plan, you become the Host of that Plan. Only the Host of a Plan can remove participants from it. (Participants may also choose to leave a Plan.)

When you remove a participant from a Plan with Friends, the Plan becomes a regular Plan in their My Plans.

Be careful removing participants. Once the Host removes a participant, that person can’t rejoin the Plan.
  1. Select the Plans tab, if it isn’t already.
  2. Select My Plans, if it isn’t already.
  3. Select the Plan you’re removing someone from.
  4. Top right: select , then Participants.
  5. Long press on the Participant you want to remove, then Kick.

I would also add , if the host leaves the plan one of the participants becomes the host most probably the first one who was invited and accepted the invitation

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