iOS: Copy/Share A Bible Verse

Updated 2 weeks ago by Jillian Galley

Share a Bible Verse

When a Bible verse speaks to you, consider sharing it on social media or sending it to a friend.
  1. Select the Bible tab on the bottom menu.
  2. Select each verse you want to share by tapping on it. Dotted underlines will appear beneath the selected verses. A list of options will display: tap Share.
  3. Follow the prompts on your device to select how you want to share.

Copy a Bible Verse

  1. Select the Bible tab on the bottom menu.
  2. Find the Bible verse(s) you want to copy.
  3. Select each verse you want to copy.
    Dotted lines display under each verse you select, with a menu of verse options underneath.
    1. Swipe the verse actions menu from right to left to Copy.
  4. Select Copy.
  5. Switch to the app or site where you want to paste the verse(s).
  6. Select the field where you want the verse(s), and select Paste.
    You may need to “long-press” to see the Paste option.
    The verse(s) you copied are pasted, including the Bible reference and a link to the passage.

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