Android: Footnotes

Updated 3 weeks ago by Zizoh Anto

Footnotes provide in-text references that offer additional context and insight into the meaning of the verse you are reading.

How to Access a Footnote

  1. Select the Bible tab if it hasn’t been selected already.
  2. Locate the verse for which you want to access the footnote.
    Not all verses have Footnotes. Any verse with a Footnote will have an icon on the right margin of the first line of the verse.
  3. Select the icon on the right margin of the first line of the verse. Swipe the pop-up page down to close.

Show/Hide Footnotes

  1. Select the More tab if it hasn’t been selected already.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and select Settings.
  3. Tap the switch beside Show Footnotes to show or hide footnotes in the Bible Reader.

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