Android: Install/Uninstall the Bible App

Updated 2 months ago by Zizoh Anto

Install the Bible App

  1. Open the Play Store on your device.
  2. Select the Search field.
  3. In the Search field, search for YouVersion.
  4. Make sure you are looking at the correct Bible App:

YouVersion Bible App + Audio made by Life.Church—with a dot between Life and Church.

Again, make sure you are looking at YouVersion’s Bible App. Many apps use deceptive wording and make their logo look like YouVersion’s to try to trick you into installing their app. (Many of these apps make money through advertising or selling your data.) Refer to YouVersion’s Privacy Policy to see the ways that we protect you.
  1. Select Install.

Uninstall the Bible App

  1. Open the Play Store on your device.
  2. Select the Search field.
  3. In the Search field, search for YouVersion.
  4. Select the icon for The Bible App by Life.Church.
  5. Select Uninstall.

See Google’s Android website for more details

The App can be uninstalled on some devices by long-pressing the Bible icon from the app drawer and then tapping uninstall.

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