iOS - Verse Images

Updated 1 week ago by Jillian Galley

A Verse Image is simply Bible text placed on top of a picture.

Create A Verse Image

  1. Select the Bible tab on the bottom menu.
  2. Locate the Bible verse(s) you want to turn into an image.
  3. Select each Bible verse you want in your image. Dotted underlines appear underneath each verse you select. A list of options is displayed.
    1. Swipe left and select Image from the options.
    2. For the background of your image, select one of the stock images.
Keep in mind: the more verse(s) you select, the smaller the text will be in your final image.

View Your Verse Images

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More)Saved, Images. All your images are listed, from newest to oldest.

Delete A Verse Image

  1. Bottom right: Select ≡ (More)Saved, Images.
  2. Select on the bottom right of the verse image card, then Delete.
To see more on Verse Images, visit this article.

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