Resources for Suicide

Updated 2 years ago by Cindy Beall

Bible Verses

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Psalm 34:17-20

Proverbs 3:5-6

Bible Plans

Hope in the Dark 

Daily Power by Craig Groeschel: Fuel for Your Soul 

Overcoming with Letitia Wright

Restoration: Deluxe Bible Plan

The God of Another Chance: How to Get Back on Track

Winning the War in Your Mind 


International Suicide Hotlines

International Association for Suicide Prevention 


Lord, You are all-powerful and faithful, and that we can trust You with anything and everything. We pray now that You would be present to combat these suicidal thoughts. We pray that you give strength, resilience, and fortitude to be successful in overcoming all these things that are going on in this life. We ask that You give eyes to see how invaluable and important this child of God is and eyes that You created Your child in Your perfect image to be exactly as intended. No matter what has come up, what choices have been made, and what situations have been encountered, help us see that no matter what, in all things, You work for the good and are always present to guide and direct, bringing about the best outcome. Thank You for being our perfect and gracious Father, for Your promises to us, and for always completing the work You begin. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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