Copyright Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Updated 1 week ago by Keiran Davidson

YouVersion has different agreements with publishers, Bible societies, and Content Partners. These agreements let us offer a variety of different content worldwide. This article will guide you on how to use and share content hosted on our platform.

Can I use or quote Bible verses in my church service, a blog post, a book, or a research article?

Bible versions are considered intellectual property by the copyright owner, such as the publisher or Bible society. YouVersion has the right to give you these versions through our platforms. But you need to check with each publisher to see their rules for your specific use. The copyright holder can be found at the bottom of each chapter. For how to quote verses properly for a research paper or article, we recommend checking with your preferred or required citation style guidelines such as APA or MLA.

You can freely provide a link to specific verses, such as posting the link, or to social media or by sharing a Verse of the Day image from inside the Bible App.

Can I republish, screencast, or record an audio reading of Bible Plans, videos, or other content I find on YouVersion platforms to my own website, blog, YouTube, podcast, social media, or other hosting or distribution platforms?

We recognize the desire to distribute the content to as many people as possible. However, because we have specific license agreements with our content providers, we can’t give permission for complete republishing and distribution. We invite you to share a link to YouVersion's products, websites, and social media channels with your audience instead.

Can I use your Bible App for Kids videos for my school or church classrooms?

Yes! We‌ provide an entire curriculum designed for the classroom setting. Learn more at

Can I overdub content from YouVersion into another language, such as videos or Bible App for Kids content?

We have volunteer teams worldwide working to localize our content into as many languages as possible. In fact, we may already be working on your language. We invite you to become a Localization volunteer to help out. Learn more at

Can my small group print out a Bible Plan for our study?

We recommend taking advantage of our Plans with Friends feature in the app. When you start any Plan, just select "With Friends" to invite others to study with you. YouVersion can’t give you permission to share content outside of our platforms, including in print. The content of each Bible Plan and related scripture is owned by their copyright holders.

Can I share your Verse of the Day Images on my website or social media channel?

Yes! From inside the Bible App, there are share features on every Verse of the Day Image. You may share these freely with your networks. You can also print them for your personal use, but they can’t be used, reproduced, or sold for any for-profit product or service.

I'm a church or ministry and want to share YouVersion's Verse of the Day Images. How can I do this?

Through Life.Church Open Network, YouVersion has made these images as well as other resources available for free for churches and ministries. Visit to learn more.

How can I share the Bible App with someone?

See our Share YouVersion guide for step-by-step instructions.

Does YouVersion offer an API for external integrations?

At this time, YouVersion doesn’t offer an API for external use. Our agreements with our partners limit the availability of Bible translations and other content to within the Bible App itself.

If you are looking for access to specific Bible translations, we recommend reaching out directly to the publishers or Bible societies that manage those translations to explore licensing options.

If you have a question related to copyright that isn’t covered in this support article, please email with a detailed description of your request and someone from our team will get back to you.

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