Bible App For Kids: Achievements

Updated 2 weeks ago by Jillian Galley

Achievements in Bible App for Kids help motivate and encourage you to learn and follow the words of God.

How Achievements Work

Awards are given once you complete the readings and quiz challenges as prompted under each challenge. To find the award prompts, click on the star at the left-hand corner of the screen.

Each award describes how to receive all of the "stars" for the story. For example, reading each of these stories multiple times would unlock all three stars for that story. Note: reading half of the story will earn you two stars, and reading the story 10/10 times will earn you all three stars.

Throughout stories, you will see a cloud icon to select. See the picture below, with the icon next to the angel. Selecting this will ask you a question to see what you remember from reading the story.

Challenges are stories and activities to complete. You must complete one challenge before moving onto the next. You can find challenges by tapping the trophy icon in the bottom left corner of the home screen.

Gems can be found scattered within the Read images of the Bible stories. The more Gems you collect, the more sets you complete.

In the stories, you will see gems to select and complete. (Notice the gem on the tree in the picture below.)

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