Android: Discover

Updated 2 months ago by Zizoh Anto

Discover makes exploring Bible teaching videos based on recent Verse of the Day stories, browsing Featured Plans and videos, seeing popular Bible verses and Plans, churches near you, and more, easier. It also gives full-text search across all of YouVersion’s content: Bible texts, verse illustrations, Bible teaching video clips, and more. Find content written by your favorite leaders and Bible teachers. Search based on keywords like emotion. You even get personalized suggestions based on the content you like most.

  1. Select the Discover tab.
  2. Top: select the Search box.
  3. Begin typing what you’re looking for.
    As you type, Discover suggests search terms and displays related content such as Bible verses, Verse Images, Bible teaching video clips, Plans, and more.
  4. Select the resulting content at any time.
    Finish typing exactly what you want, and then select 🔍.
Ensure you’re signed in with your free YouVersion account to see the most results.

Discover Plans

See how to discover Plans here.

Discover Churches

See how to discover churches here.

Discover Videos

See how to discover videos here.

Discover Images

  1. Select the Discover tab.
  2. Select the Images button below the Search bar.
    A list of the current day’s and previous Verse of the Day Images is shown.
  3. Bottom left of any image: select Share to share the image.
  4. Select any Image and select the Download icon at the top right, Save to Profile, or Share buttons to perform any of those operations on the image.
  5. Bottom right of any image: select , Read Full Chapter, Create Image, or Compare Versions to perform any of those operations on the image.

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