iOS: Guided Prayer

Updated 1 week ago by Jillian Galley

Guided Prayer was created for people that want to experience a meaningful and habitual time in prayer.

To open a Guided Prayer, select Guided Prayer in the Daily Refresh activity list on the Home Feed or within the Prayer option on the More menu.

There are 8 parts to each Guided Prayer.

Tap the sides to navigate forward/backward through the screens.
  1. Welcome Screen ➡️ Focusing statement for the day's prayer.
  2. Guided Prayer (screens 2 & 3) ➡️ A verse and statements regarding your concerns and bringing them to God.
    1. On screen 3 select Add Prayer option to create a new prayer card in the Prayer feature.
    2. To find your Prayer List tap More on the bottom menu, then tap Prayer.
  3. Prayer Requests (screens 4, 5, & 6) ➡️ Suggested prayer requests from your Prayer List.
  4. Closing Prayer ➡️ A prayer honoring God and reflecting on the focus verse.
  5. Closing Verse.

Listen To Guided Prayer

You have the ability to listen to all of the slides in Guided Prayer.

  1. Select the audio icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select the settings icon in the bottom left corner to choose a narrator.
If you would like to hide the play icon, tap the audio icon again and the audio will continue to play.

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