Give to YouVersion or to Bible Translation

Updated 8 months ago by Caleb Lenehan


What happens to my money when I give to YouVersion or to Bible Translation?

At YouVersion, we believe that seeking intimacy with God has the power to transform people’s lives. Thank you for your heart to support our mission of encouraging people to seek intimacy with God every day. 

When you give to YouVersion… 

Your contribution directly supports our operating costs. YouVersion, and the organizations we partner with, make our app and content available for free because we are a ministry whose sole mission is to help people draw closer to God. Our lives have been changed by God’s Word, and we want to share it with others.

When you give to Bible Translation…

More than a billion people still don’t have even one Bible in their language. Through our “Bible for Everyone” campaign, YouVersion works directly with Bible translation organizations to help fund projects that can rapidly provide Scripture to large numbers of people. When you give to Bible Translation through YouVersion, your entire contribution goes directly to our partners, who use your gift exclusively for the purpose of Bible Translation. 

Is my donation tax-deductible? 

YouVersion is a ministry of Life.Church, a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization in the United States. Gifts to YouVersion are tax-deductible only if you live within the United States. 

How do I contribute financially to YouVersion? 

Thank you for your heart to support our mission of encouraging people to seek intimacy with God every day. You can give inside the YouVersion app or at Find “Giving" (in the More menu on the app), and follow the instructions on the form, including specifying YouVersion or Bible Translation.

To give through the mail, send a check or money order to:

4600 E. 2nd St.
Edmond, OK  73034

Specify on your check or money order whether your gift is for YouVersion or for Bible Translation.

Ways to give if you don't live in the United States:

  • Apple Pay
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • PayPal (only through U.S. dollars)

Ways to give if you live in the United States:

  • Apple Pay
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Bank Account (account and routing number)
  • PayPal
iOS users can now give without having to login. Simply connect your Apple Pay to the YouVersion Bible App, select the amount you wish to give, and click the "Give Now" button.

Should I give to YouVersion instead of tithing to my church? 

Thank you for your heart to support our mission of encouraging people to seek intimacy with God every day. Tithing is a biblical principle. Malachi 3:10 tells us to “bring the full tithe into the storehouse.” Tithe means 10% of our income, and the “storehouse” is the local church. We believe that our first step as fully devoted followers of Christ is to contribute a tithe to your local church. This is different from offerings, which are gifts over and above the tithe, given in areas that God is stirring us to support. 

We would be honored if you would prayerfully consider giving an offering to YouVersion—over and above your tithe to your local church.

Giving Statements 

Why is “Life.Church” on my Giving Statement? 

YouVersion is a product of the local church. Life.Church is a local church in Oklahoma that launched YouVersion in 2007, and YouVersion remains a digital ministry of Life.Church today. Life.Church is one church in multiple locations, passionate about leveraging technology to share the Gospel of Jesus. Life.Church and YouVersion are united in mission: to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. 

YouVersion is not a business; we have never had plans to monetize our app, nor to sell data or ads, nor will we. YouVersion, and the organizations we partner with, make our app and content available for free because we are a ministry whose sole mission is to help people draw closer to God. Our work is supported financially by Life.Church and from the generosity of our worldwide YouVersion Community.

Will I receive a Giving Statement?

Yes. Every January, YouVersion will email you a reminder that annual giving statements can be downloaded from your profile. You can view giving history and download your giving statement at any time inside the App or using the website. Please reference the “How do I View my Giving History?” section to download your annual giving statement.

Can I Get a Paper Statement?

If you have a U.S. mailing address, you can register to have your annual giving statement mailed.

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Giving History”-> Select “Optional Paper Statement” on the bottom of the page to enter and save your U.S. mailing address.

Website: Log in at -> Select “Giving History” on the top right corner next to the person profile icon -> On the bottom of the window, select “Need a paper statement? Sign up here.” -> Enter your U.S. mailing address -> Select “Save” on the top right corner.

How do I view my Giving History? 

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Giving History” -> You can view your giving history for each year by using the toggle option on the top left corner. To download your giving history in statement form, select the “Download” button on the top right corner.

Website: Log in at -> Select “Giving History” on the top right corner next to the person profile icon -> You can view your giving history for each year by using the toggle option on the top left corner. To download your giving history in statement form, select the “Download” button on the top right corner.

Payment Methods

Why is my Payment Method saved? 

YouVersion saves your payment information to make it easier for you to give in the future. Your payment information is securely stored and PCI compliant through our payment processors, Stripe and PayPal.

Related: How do I delete one of my Payment Methods?

Why did I see an error message when I tried to remove my Payment Method from my schedule? 

Most often, this happens when you try to remove a Payment Method from one of your Scheduled Gifts, but you only have one Payment Method set up. If you want to change your Payment Method for a Scheduled Gift: 

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Scheduled Giving” -> Select the schedule you want to modify -> Select arrow next to the current payment method shown -> Note: You have to add the payment method of choice to your schedule before you can delete the current one -> To delete: Swipe left (for iOS)/Long Press (for Android) on the payment method you would like to delete. If prompted to confirm, select “Delete”.

Website: Log in at -> Select person profile icon on the top right corner -> Select “Manage Giving” -> Select the schedule you want to modify -> Select arrow next to the current payment method shown -> Note: You have to add the payment method of choice to your schedule before you can delete the current one -> To delete: Select “Edit” then select trash icon next to the unwanted payment method. -> Select “Delete” to confirm.

How do I… 

…Add a Payment Method?

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Give Now” -> Select the plus sign next to “Add Payment Method”; or the arrow next to the current payment method shown -> Select preferred Payment method type -> Enter in all required fields -> Select "Done" on the top right corner -> Hit Done once more to return to the giving screen.

Website: Log in at -> Select “Add Payment Method”; or the arrow next to the current payment method shown -> Select the plus sign next to Add Payment Method -> Select preferred Payment method type -> Enter in all required fields -> Select "Done" at the bottom -> Hit Done once more to return to the giving screen.

…Select a different Payment Method?

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Give Now” -> Select arrow next to the current payment method shown -> Select desired payment method -> Select "Done" on the top right corner -> This will take you back to the giving screen with your desired payment method shown.

Website: Log in at -> Select “Add Payment Method”; or the arrow next to the current payment method shown -> Select desired payment method -> Select "Done" at the bottom -> This will take you back to the giving screen with your desired payment method shown.

…Delete one of my Payment Methods?

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Give Now” -> Select arrow next to the current payment method shown -> Swipe left (for iOS)/Long Press (for Android) on the payment method you would like to delete. If prompted to confirm, select “Delete”.

Website: Log in at -> Select “Edit” on the top right corner -> Select the trash icon next to the unwanted payment method. -> Select “Delete” to confirm.

…Make a donation of stock? 

Thank you for your heart to support our mission of encouraging people to seek intimacy with God every day. To donate stock, please navigate to our stock donation portal at

…View my Scheduled Payment Information? 

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Scheduled Giving” -> This will show you all active schedules on your profile.

Website: Log in at -> Select person profile icon on the top right corner -> Select “Manage Giving” -> This will show you all active schedules on your profile.

…Change my Scheduled Gift? 

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Scheduled Giving” -> Select the schedule you want to modify -> Make changes in desired field -> Select “Save” -> Your schedule should now be updated. To verify your changes are saved correctly, select “Scheduled Giving” again to look at your schedule details.

Website: Log in at -> Select person profile icon on the top right corner -> Select “Manage Giving” -> Select the schedule you want to modify -> Make changes in desired field -> Select “Save” -> Your schedule is now updated which you can see reflected on the “Manage Giving” screen. You can select the “Back” button on the top left corner to return to the giving screen or exit out.

...Update my card information?

There’s no option to edit an available card, you can only delete it and add a new card or the same card with the updated information.

…Cancel my Scheduled Giving? 

App: Select “More” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> Scroll to select “Giving” -> Select “Scheduled Giving”-> Select the schedule you want to cancel -> Select “Delete” -> Your schedule is now updated, and you can select the “My Giving” button on the top left corner to return to the giving screen or exit out.

Website: Log in at -> Select person profile icon on the top right corner -> Select “Manage Giving” -> Select the schedule you want to cancel -> Select “Cancel Scheduled Gift” on the bottom right corner of the screen -> A screen will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete this schedule; Select “Delete” -> You should no longer see the cancelled schedule on the “Manage Giving” screen.

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