iOS: Plan Privacy

Updated 3 weeks ago by Zizoh Anto

If you start a Plan and set the privacy to Private, only you can see your Plan activity—no one else will know you started the Plan.

If you set the privacy to Friends Only, your Plan activity (such as completing Plan Days) will be visible to your friends in their Community Feed. To learn more about the actions your friends can take on your Plan activity, go here.

Plan with Friends activity isn’t included in the Community Feed and isn’t visible to your friends. Only participants of the Plan can see your Plan Day completions and any comments you add when they view any day of the Plan.

Change Private Plan Privacy

  1. Select the Plans tab if it hasn’t been selected already.
  2. Select My Plans.
  3. Select the Private Plan you want to change privacy settings for.
  4. Top right: select Settings.
  5. Select Privacy.
  6. Select Private, so your Plan activity is visible to only you. Select Friends Only, so your Plan activity is visible to only your friends.

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