About the Verse of the Day Process

Updated 6 days ago by Zizoh Anto

Verse of the Day offers a unique Bible verse for every day of the year, carefully curated by YouVersion’s staff to encourage, inspire, or challenge you.

No Verse of the Day is ever selected to coincide with or correlate to news, nor to express or imply any philosophical, theological, or political position on current events.

On the contrary:

To provide a year’s worth of images for Verse of the Day — in multiple languages — we must plan, design, and create each one far in advance of when we intend to release it. Near the end of each year, a small team maps out the entire Verse of the Day calendar for the coming year, assigning a unique Bible verse to each day.

Over the next several months, as our graphic designers complete the multiple images required for each Verse of the Day (one for each language we provide), these images are uploaded into a database. Then, based on the preset schedule, every day at midnight, in each timezone, that day’s Verse of the Day automatically uploads to a server cache. Once that’s happened in the first time zone, there is no way for us to change or cancel that day’s Verse of the Day — because we can’t “pull back” Verse of the Day images from devices that have already downloaded them.

Once again, the purpose of the Verse of the Day is never to comment on current events.

At YouVersion, we believe that pursuing intimacy with God has the power to transform your life. For that reason, we carefully select every Verse of the Day with the specific intention of encouraging, inspiring, or challenging you to continue seeking God every day.

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