Take Screenshot of Verses on Android

Updated 1 month ago by Zizoh Anto

A screenshot is a picture of whatever is displayed on your screen. Most devices store screenshots with your photos. Different devices use different methods for acquiring screenshots. Before you begin, you’ll need to know how to capture a screenshot on your specific device. Refer to your specific device’s documentation, look online, or ask a friend for help. Here is the recommended method for Android.

  1. Select the Bible tab if it has not been selected already.
  2. Find the Bible verse(s) you want to capture for your image.
  3. Scroll to ensure the Bible verse(s) you want to capture is visible on the screen.
  4. Take a screenshot. See how here.
  5. Switch to the app or site where you want to post the screenshot.
  6. Select the field where you want the screenshot, and use the same method you use to paste a picture from your device.
  7. Complete the normal process you use to post to your social media.

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