iOS: Discover Churches

Updated 1 week ago by Jillian Galley

Discover. Find More of What You're Searching For.

  1. Select the Discover tab on the bottom menu.
  2. Select Churches (underneath the search bar). You can also scroll down to find Churches My Friends Attend and Churches Near Me.

Churches Near Me

You must have your location settings turned on in your device for Churches Near you to appear.
  1. Swipe left to see Churches located near you. You can also select See All (top right) to view the Churches in list mode.
  2. Don't see the Church you're looking for? It's possible the Church doesn't have a page in the app. Reach out to the Church to see if they're in the YouVersion Bible App or reach out to YouVersion Support (More > Help).
  3. To set a Church as My Church, select the Church profile page.
  4. Top right: Select , Set As My Church.
Select Notification Settings to adjust when and how you want to receive alerts from the Church.

Churches My Friends Attend

  1. Swipe left to see the Churches your friends attend. You can also select See All (top right) to view the Churches in list mode.

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