
Updated 19/7/22 by Cindy Beall

Bible Verses
John 3:16-17
Acts 4:12

Bible Plans
What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?
New Life in Christ 
How to Start Reading the Bible

Prayer for Salvation 
God, I admit that I can’t continue going through life without You. I need You, and I want You to change me. Please forgive me for all the mistakes I have made. Take away the guilt and shame I have been carrying, and make me brand new. 

I believe that Jesus died for me and rose again so that I could live for You—and with You. So please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and make me eager to serve and follow You for the rest of my life. 

Today, my life is no longer my own—I give it to You. I accept Your free gift of salvation, and I welcome You into my everyday life. 

Thank You for transforming me! 

В ім'я Ісуса, Амінь.

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