Bible Verses
Bible Plans - Infertility
5 Days of Heart-Calming Prayer
Facing God: Turn Your Heart Over to Him
Bible Plans - Miscarriage
Loved Baby: A 7-Day Plan After Pregnancy Loss
Walking Through Miscarriage with God
How to Move Through Suffering and Come Back Stronger
Prayer - Infertility
God, thank You for loving us. We know we can trust you with our lives. We pray now that you would make your guiding hand known as we pray for this request for having children and starting a family. Lord, you created us to be fruitful and multiply, and we know that the miracle of procreation to further both our and your family is one of the greatest miracles you give to us. Each and every one of us are unique, important, and special to you, and when we are able to share and grow our lives through the miracle of family, it not only brings us joy and pleasure, but also serves to glorify you and your good and perfect will for us and our lives. We pray that you give patience, strength, and resolve to be successful in the attempts to have children. We know that you will continue to guide and direct in this path, and that you will help bring about the best outcome. Thank you for being our perfect and gracious Father, for your promises to us, and for always completing the work you begin. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Prayer - Miscarriage
Thank you so much for your unconditional love for all of your children. We know that you are all-powerful, faithful, and all-knowing, and that we can trust you with anything and everything. We pray now that you would look over the situation of this miscarriage and all those affected by it, both directly and indirectly. We ask you to lend your guiding hand and be with us in this request for healing, comfort, guidance, and patience in dealing with the situation. Lord, we know that you are omniscient and have your perfect plan laid out for our lives, but sometimes it is difficult to see how our plan is unfolding, and why certain events happen in our lives. We pray that you provide strength, resilience, and determination to be successful in overcoming the grief caused by this miscarriage, and to know that by putting and keeping you as the center of our lives, you will provide all that is needed to have the strength to endure and live the life you have created and intended. We know that you will continue to offer your guidance and direction, and that you will help bring about the best outcome. Thank you for being our perfect and gracious Father, for your promises to us, and for always completing the work you begin. In Jesus' name, Amen.