iOS: Change Bible Version or Language

Updated 6 days ago by Zizoh Anto

The Bible tab in the Bible App is where you can read or listen to the Bible. Here, you can access any book, chapter, or verse, and choose from thousands of Bible versions in over 2,000 languages.

How to Select the Book of the Bible

  1. Select the Bible tab if it is not selected already.
  2. Top left: Tap the bar that shows the current book & chapter you are in (e.g., John 1).
  3. Select the book you want from the list.
  4. Select the book.
  5. Select the chapter.
  6. Select the verse.
If you can't see the verse numbers, go to More > Settings and enable "Show Verse Picker".

How to Change the Bible Version

  1. Select the Bible tab if it is not selected already.
  2. Top left: Tap the Bible Version abbreviation (e.g., NIV).
  3. To view all the versions in the selected Bible language, tap More Versions at the bottom or at the top right.
  4. Select the book you want from the list or type it in the Search bar.
    A speaker icon indicates that the Version offers audio and a number next to it indicates that this version has more than 1 narrator.
    Select the language to view versions in a different language.

How to Change Version Language

  1. Select the Bible tab if it is not selected already.
  2. Top left: Tap the Bible Version abbreviation (e.g., NIV).
  3. Tap More Versions at the bottom or at the top right.
  4. Tap the language.
  5. If the language is listed, tap it and select your preferred version. If the language is not listed, select All and find the language from the list, or use the search icon at the top right.

Troubleshooting Bible Versions on Android

  1. I cannot find a Bible version or a specific format of a Bible version.
    Our team is grateful for the many Bible partners who have come alongside us to help provide people worldwide with access to Scripture. Because we are not the owners of the Bible version content, our team is dependent on the permissions each partner gives us. If you cannot find what you are looking for, it may be because that version is currently unavailable from the partner. If you would like to request a Bible version, please complete the following form: Bible Version Request.

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