
محدث 18/8/22 بواسطة Cindy Beall

Bible Verses
Colossians 3:12 
1 Peter 5:5 

Bible Plans
Being Intentional In Your Marriage
From This Day Forward 

Prayer for Marriage  
Heavenly Father, thank You for caring about our marriages. We know that marriage is a gift from You, but sometimes, it feels like this gift is under attack. 

So if our marriage is crumbling, please fix it. If it is strong, please strengthen it. If it seems beyond repair, please rebuild it. Give us the strength and humility to seek reconciliation and forgiveness, and if we need to forgive a wrong done to us, help us to do so with grace and kindness

Help us to see our spouses from Your perspective: as people You love and died for. And at all times, help us to treat them the way You treat us—with humility, respect, and sacrificial love.

Restore, strengthen, and protect our marriages for the glory of Your name. We trust You—because we know that with You, all things are possible.

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